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LaingBuisson's Health Cover UK Market Report 19 Edition

Explore UK private medical insurance trends amid NHS access challenges

Are your services competitive enough for the rest of the market?
What are the UK private medical insurance trends in 2024?
How have the NHS waiting lists impacted the demand for health cover? 

The 19th edition of the Health Cover UK Market Report, provided by LaingBuisson, holds the answers you need.

19th edition
Health Cover UK Market Report

Essential resource for professionals in the health cover sector, offering unparalleled data and analysis on private medical insurance, non-insured healthcare trusts, dental maintenance & insurance, health cash plans, and wellbeing products.

With returns from providers representing over 95% of the health cover market, Health Cover is the sole publicly available source of reliable information driving critical decisions in the industry. You can gain valuable insights into market trends, including the resurgence in demand for health cover driven by prolonged waits for NHS treatment, resulting in a market now valued at £6.65 billion.

Our analysis shows that the PMI segment, the largest in the UK private health cover market, has seen its market value grow at 6.2% CAGR between 2020 and 2022, which is more than triple the growth level seen in the years preceding it (2008-2019). This has been built on strong growth in subscriber numbers. In addition, we discuss the challenges and opportunities in the dental insurance market, with dental cover products experiencing a combined 9.7% annual growth in 2022 due to ongoing challenges in accessing NHS dentistry.

As premium increases are anticipated, now is the best time to uncover strategies employed by cover providers to develop modular products aimed at retention amidst expected market shifts. 

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What's inside?

  • Gain comprehensive insights into the dynamic landscape of private medical cover, private medical insurance, health cash plans, and dental benefit plans.

  • Explore demand volumes, income, and values to understand the current state of the market.

  • Delve into premiums, claims paid, and margins to assess the financial health of the health cover market.

  • Stay ahead of the curve with insights into health cover product innovation.

  • Understand the structure of the health cover industry, including key players, market segments, and distribution channels.

  • Clarify your understanding with detailed definitions of industry terms and concepts, and dive deeper into the financial data with our comprehensive appendix.

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"There is a long way to go before coverage reaches levels last seen across the UK population since the 2008 financial crash, but it is the first time there has been sustained growth in the sector for more than 15 years. "
Tim Read Headshot_BW SQ
Tim Read, Director of Research & Content, LaingBuisson

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